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Solar power is one of the cleanest, most efficient sources of energy. Today, installing solar power in your home is a huge economic incentive. A solar system installed today is expected to pay for itself in six to ten years. Here are tips on maximizing production and storage while cutting back on consumption to ensure that you get as much out of a solar system.

Switch to Efficient Appliances

The first step to improving your solar system’s efficiency is switching to energy-efficient appliances. You will have to switch all your home’s bulbs to LEDs. Switch all electrical appliances, including fridges, washing machines, and other electronics, to the most energy-efficient ones. While the initial cost may be high, you will recoup your investment quickly. For instance, while a normal halogen bulb could use up to 10 watts of power, modern LED bulbs use only 1 watt. That is an instant 90% reduction in the house’s cost.

Use Solar Concentrators

The next step is to maximize the output of your solar system. One option is to expand the number of solar panels your system uses. However, that might be costly. The other alternative that is practical and effective is to use solar concentrators. A solar concentrator is a device with a mirror-like surface that concentrates more sunlight on solar panels. It is an especially effective solution in high latitudes. During winter, the sun’s rays might dim, reducing the solar system’s output. Solar concentrators can significantly improve the solar system’s output, ensuring you reach the break-even point faster.

Consider Net Metering

One of the most efficient ways to use solar power is to store it for use later. A great method of storing excess power is via net metering. Net metering means using the grid to store the excess power produced by your solar system. Depending on where you live, the net metering program will compensate you for every unit of energy that goes to the grid. At the end of the month, you will receive credits toward your energy bill.

Consider Using an Energy Storage Unit

In some locations, net metering is not an option. However, solar energy can still meet most of your energy demands. To do this, you will need a solar battery. It stores all the excess power you do not use later at night when there is no sunlight. Modern solar batteries come in varying sizes and can handle all your solar storage needs. Using a solar storage solution, you can meet up to 90% of your home’s energy needs using solar.

Use A Professional Installer

Use a professional installer to ensure your system is optimized to produce power and save you money at its optimal point. These installers understand how to configure your solar system in the least amount of time. Working with professionals will ensure you adhere to all building codes and safety standards. Consequently, your system can produce power efficiently without causing any hazards or legal hurdles for you or your home.

Contact us today to receive a quote for your home’s solar installation.

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